Yoga for everyone
Yoga is the open path…the path of constant development physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. Yoga teaches us and reminds us our natural state we were born with. The state of presence, peace, feeling of ease, and skill to slow down, connection with oneself and nature, reading the intuition, recognizing the truth and awareness.
YOGA practice gives our body the possibility to move in all directions, increases mobility in all the joints, it is stretching, breathing, relaxing process.

YOGA for beginners
Yoga class for beginners with easy pace of movement teaches you basic yoga positions and easy transitions. This is where you can start your yoga journey ! Your body will experience stretches, strengthening and relaxation. Booking is open online, click on timetable.

Earth Element the Path of Life
Conscious movement to balance and harmonise the matter of the body with natural vibration of the Earth. This class is open to everyone. Sequences of movements will challenge your coordination, learn stability and natural moves pattern. Join on Tuesday at 10am ( for beginners) and for all levels on Sunday at 11:15 in BeWell. On Wednesday at 5:30pm in Fabiani.

YOGA all levels
Yoga for everyone, accommodates all levels in one room. It is recommended to do a beginner course before joining this class but the class is always adjusted to a group level with modifications if needed and challenges if possible. Visit timetable to check when is Yoga for all levels.

YOGA Online
Yoga online is delivered via ZOOM. Once you have Zoom application on your device, booked class of your choice, you are ready to go…You will receive email with link for the meeting ( always check your spam). Each class has different link.

Chair Yoga
Yoga class for seniors, active age group, arthritis group, and everyone who have difficulty in transition from standing to the mat and more important from the mat to standing. Chair yoga class is in BeWell yoga studio on Mondays at 11:30am. Booking is open on timetable.

YOGA for disabilities
It is 1 to 1 yoga practice and can be done in the house of participant. Yoga session lasts 30 min. It is personalised set of yoga positions and movements dedicated to the specific disability with the goal of mobilising the body to activity. Send me a message to arrange yoga practice.
YOGA at Work
Yoga practice during your lunch break, before work or after work in your workplace. Yoga practice stimulates energy flow, release tension from your back, hips and shoulders, relaxes your tired eyes, focus and calm your mind what helps you to deal better with stress. Send me a message to arrange Yoga at work.
YOGA for Athletes
Yoga is the practice where the athletes can balance the body tension after hard training sessions in the gym or fitness studio, after running, cycling, swimming, football training or other sports. Rest and recovery during the time of hard trainings is essential to heal the body and to perform with more efficiency.
YOGA 1-to-1
Privates for yoga class can be arrange for one-on-one class, couples or with small group. Whether you are new to yoga and needing some individualized directions, an advanced practitioner looking to deepen your practice or small group wanting personalized experience. Send me a message to arrange personal pracice.
Got Questions?
If you have any queries regarding our classes, workshops, holidays, you can send them using the form below. We’ll get back to you as soon as we can. Don’t forget to subscribe to know first about all yoga updates.
How often should I practice to have best results?
The more often you practice yoga the results are feelable or visible earlier. Don’t expect a huge changes after just few yoga sessions. Ideally and realistically would be if you could start do yoga twice a week and build it up gradually and organically. Even once a week commitment will benefit your health.
Are there any helpful guidelines for yoga practice?
Yes, here is some guidelines: wear comfortable cothing, practice barefoot, remove all the jewelry, tie up long hair, practice on empty stomach, do not force yourself into difficult postures, go at your own pace.
Can I do yoga if I am not flexible ?
You Don’t have to be flexible to do yoga !!! Yoga isn’t just stretching, its extremalnie toning, calming, meditative, spiritual, healing and opening. Flexibility is only one aspect of it. Once you practice yoga for a period of time naturally you will gain flexibility with myriad of other benefits.
Do I need to be on a vegetarian diet to benefits from yoga?
No. You can derive benefit from yoga without a special diets. You can be fully as you are because yoga is for everyone !!!
Are yoga classes safe?
Yes. Yoga classes we teach are safe. Always make sure to discuss your medical conditions with yoga teacher.
What do I need to bring for yoga practice?
You will need your yoga mat.
Is yoga suitable for pregnancy?
Yes. But it has to be specific pregnancy yoga class. We don’t provide yoga for pregnancy. MP Yoga provides Earth Elememt the path of life that is suitable for pregnancy.